

Saturday, June 28, 2014

I FLAT don't care!


Statistics are proving that young adults betweeen 18 -25 are leaving their faith at alarming rates. THAT is disturbing to me! Especially young people who have been born and raised in the Church -ones raised up by good and Godly examples. Those who grew up in Sunday Schools who taught infallible Word of God!

I made a costly mistake some 30 years ago, while teaching my very first Bible Study.
My student said: 
"Well, I see here in the Bible why you do this, and why you do that, but I don't personally feel wrong (convicted) about doing this!"

I thought I answered it fairly wisely (at the time)  when I said, "Well. Read these scriptures (ones I gave her on the subject) and sincerely PRAY about it for the next week. I guarantee you God will show you conviction about it when you do that."

We left the Bible Study that day, (My Pastor's Wife was with me) and on the way home as gently as she could, she corrected me!
It stung a little at first, but then it made absolutely perfect sense.

She said, "If it's in the Bible, you don't need to pray about it. If the principle is in the Bible, there is no question about it. God said it, that settles it."

Wow!  I guess I just figured that if everyone saw it in the Word (like my Bible Study Student) they would BE convicted to follow it! Little did I know that people would challenge the Word of God, which was exactly what that lady was doing.

The lady told me at our next Bible Study that she read it, "but was not convicted about it at all"! 
Here's the real truth: She didn't want to be convicted . And if you don't want to be convicted about something, then you will not be. Simply because you will not have ears that hear what the spirit says!
(by the way, she does not live for God today!)

I'm a little wiser today! I've taught several Home Bible Studies and I have never again answered that question the same!

Young adults are leaving their faith for reasons, just like that lady.  They no longer feel convicted about scripture.

What they grew up learning in Sunday School has become stale. I think the word they like to use is "Old school."

The FLAT truth of the matter is this: It doesn't matter what your (or my) interpretation of the scripture is. If God said it, if the principle is written, then it is NOT to be argued with. There is absolutely no reason to pray about conviction over it!!!

God's Word is forever settled! It does not change just because it is  a century old or 100 century's old! If anything, that only validates it further!

I FLAT don't care who is "taking it off, or putting it on!" I FLAT don't care who is "Raising it up, or lowering it down!" I don't care where 'they' are all going tonight.......if I feel I shouldn't then I won't!

I am thoroughly convinced the Word of God is my guide.
I would rather err on the side of being too careful with my spiritual inheritance than to err on the side of too careless!

If it's in the Word, then the Christian lives
by the principle of it! 
The Word (HIS word) is not up for debate!

We are not called to look like the World!
We are called to "Come out from among them!"
You cannot "come out" AND look like!!"

Young adults, I challenge you to rethink your thinking!  Stop caving in to pressure to lay down what you know is right!!
God is the Way. The Word is Right!

Don't be a copycat of anyone else!

Pray for boldness to stand for the Holy Word of God
Including righteousness, holiness, and godliness!
I don't care who among you...
is changing and challenging you to do the same...
hold you ground! Stand on the word!

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of  a living God!
(Heb 10:31)
It is a fearful thing to err from truth, the revelation you are guaranteed only once to have received! It is even more fearful for those who encourage others to err from scripture!

People who are rising up against their Pastor, against godly living,  and are rising up to change and challenge the very Word of God are heading for a disastrous eternal future!

Many young people are following a rebellious crowd with unscriptural teachings, attitudes and philosophies.

There is a reason Paul said,

1 Thessalonians 5:19-22

19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not despise prophecies. 21 Test all things; hold fast what is good. 22 Abstain from every form of evil.

To "cling to that which is good" gives us indication that it will not be easy to hold on to right-ness in the last days...
but we MUST CLING to the Word without wavering in our faith!
I am burdened this week!
I am deeply concerned!

I pray for you, that your faith fail not!!

"When a Christian weakens on an issue, all hell notices and comes running, relentlessly hounding until all resemblance of godliness is gone"   
 ~Nan Palmer

Watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Matt 26;41

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