1 Peter 3:15
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:
Are you afraid to answer people's questions?
Here's what some BIG questions might look like:
Why do people act certain ways?
What happens to a person after death?
How do you determine right and wrong?
How do you know that you know?
How do people get de-railed from Gods intended plan?
Do other Christians struggle with this same issue as I?
Do you have any idea what it’s like to be me?
Why is sin so bad in the eyes of Christ?
Why is it wrong if I am accepted by others for doing it?
Has translating the Bible over and over ruined its authenticity?
What about those who have never heard?
Why are there so many religions?
Why are there so many hypocrites?
Why do people suffer when they do not deserve it?
Can I be a Christian and not go to church?
If God can do anything and everything why did he create man?
Will God solve my problems?
What do I do when the Bible is not clear about an issue?
What does it mean that we are made in the image of God?
How do I recognize sin?
Can a believer lose their salvation?
What are the marks of a false church?
What is the age of accountability?
What was early Christianity like?
Should Christians go to Doctors?
Should women work outside the home?
Should the Church get involved in social issues?
Is eternal salvation biblical?
Should we tithe off our gross or our net income?
How can a believer be in the world but not of the world?
If I sin do I need to be baptized again?
What is a carnal Christian?
Is it wrong to be a Christian secretly in order to preserve your own faith?
Why is waiting on God so difficult?
What is child-like faith?
How can I know for sure if my anger is righteous indignation?
Is it wrong to question God?
Is God always fair?
Why does God allow evil men like Saddam and Hitler to come into power?
Why does God require faith?
Is it wrong to be angry with God?
Cult members are often well trained and well indoctrinated in their false doctrine. They are ready always to give an answer to those who are curious. Sometimes they put believers to shame in their ability to handle (mishandle) the Scripture, quote the Bible and discuss Biblical topics. And yet we know that they are resting all their weight on a foundation that is not sure and safe.
Be prepared and ready to give an answer to everyone that sincerely asks you about your faith in God...because they are going to ask!
Study the scriptures and show yourself approved, ready & equipped!
If everything you believe is in the Bible and not man's ideology, then you should welcome their questions because you should have answers!
Your Christian lifestyle provokes questions;
your lips should supply answers.
Colossians 4:6 "....that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man" (implying that questions will be asked).
your lips should supply answers.
Colossians 4:6 "....that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man" (implying that questions will be asked).
The Bible says we are a peculiar (special) people! When people ask, "Why are you so peculiar?" Tell them! I Peter 2:9
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